Sherwood RESCU and the Celtic Rogues
It is truly awesome to be part of something that gives back to a community you love. All the camping clans/groups at Sherwood Forest Faire get that – and for the “Battle of the Clans” Have raised almost $12k for RESCU
(https://www.rescufoundation.org/ ) – a 501(c)3 charity that helps takes care of Renaissance festival workers with medical needs. Turns out working at these faires we love so much does not come with the worlds best insurance plan. RESCU is there to help, and we are there to help RESCU!
The Celtic Rogues, I am proud to say, contributed $4481 to this great organization – and once again reclaim our title as the victors of the Battle of the Clans. I could not be more proud! But not just proud of being a Rogue – proud of Sherwood Forest Faire – they host the Battle of the Clans, and I don’t think there is another fair or festival out there that does (yet?). They encourage, foster, and enable these efforts, and that’s why I’m proud to call Sherwood my home.
We Rogues have had ups and downs these past years – but when it came time to do what we do, we gave it our all, made sure everyone else had to step up their game too, and we all came out with our heads held high having done amazing work, for a great cause.