RESCU Party and 0.0k Fun Run
Once again the Celtic Rogues shall compete in the annual ‘battle of the clans’ to raise funds for RESCU! To that end we will host our annual variety show party on March 14th, 2020.
We will have fajita plates for sale, $10 per plate (fajita, rice, beans) starting at 7PM.
A brown bag raffle and silent auction starting at 7PM ending at 11PM.
Of course the Celtic Rogue bar will be open starting at 7PM.
Of course our variety show will be happening again, comprised of several acts you know and love – starting at 9PM!
Last year we started with the zero-k run, to great success. Instead of a shot glass this year we are giving out 0.0k stickers, like the sort other people are proud of and put on the cars. For a $5 donation you get a sticker and a ticket for the brown bag auction!

Please also see our event page on Facebook: