
There was never any doubt if Keith was there. A bold, loud personality that was impossible to miss. Not that anyone wanted to. He was always fun to be around, so long as you enjoyed some ribald humor.
An all around handy man, Keith put his love, and labor into so many aspects and projects at ren faires, especially Sherwood. His handiwork is one of the remaining legacies he left us.
First to smile, and greet you, one of the first up to make everyone breakfast, no matter how long of a night was had before – it seemed he never lacked for energy and enthusiasm for whatever task was at hand.
He supported many causes while at Sherwood, helping clans with their fund raising efforts, usually by building something, but also by participating – notably in Unqueenly, a charity drag show that supports 22KILL, and won in 2017.

Known to some of his friends, Keith fought with his own demons, privately. On February 19, 2018, not seeing another way, that battle came to a sudden, and tragic end.

With his sons
With Family
The crowned queen!
If you have pictures or stories to share, please do so in the comments below.