

Marv’s hat

Odds are if you visited our camp while Marvin was with us, he was the first to greet you. A huge smile, and great hug or handshake for all. It was his heart, hospitality and unwavering eye to ensure all within camp were safe that led to his title as the First Knight of the Celtic Rogues. He never wore shiny armor, but he was a protector.

On any given TRF Saturday night, you’d find him by our fire, tending it, relaxing. It might seem he was asleep already, but every so often that smile would appear from under his hat, and you knew he was still there, listening to all that was going on, and occasionally jumping right back into the conversation without having missed a beat.

To be cliche, Marvin was everyone’s big brother – though you truly felt that bond. With every laugh, every hug, and every story told – it was like you’d always known this man.

Marvin helped everyone. He embodied the Celtic Rogues spirit. IF you needed food or drink, he led you to our kitchen tent. If you needed a place to stay, odds are he had a spare tent, and in short order it was set up, and you were safe for the night. If you were looking for something in the dark, out came his 1 billion candlepower portable sun of a flashlight, and the search was on. It is simply impossible to list, or even categorize the acts of kindness we had the privilege to witness, and be led in by Marvin.

A rare form of cancer took him from our ranks far too soon. He gave it a valiant fight, involved in every step of the process, leading his medical team as much as he did anything else. His battle lasted until June 28, 2017. At his funeral it was clear he was loved by all, we Celtic Rogues especially.

If you have pictures or stories to share, please do so in the comments below.

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